MPG Fuel Savings Calculator
Are you thinking about replacing your gas guzzler with a new fuel efficient vehicle? Before heading out to the dealership, use this handy dandy fuel savings calculator to see just how much that new car could reduce your monthly and annual fuel costs. Simply enter the price of gas, how many miles you drive each year, and the average miles per gallon (MPG) of your old car and the new car. It doesn't matter which car (A or B) is the more fuel efficient car, the calculator will figure that out.
For Car A and Car B, the calculator will give you 25 mile costs, monthly costs, and annual costs. Then the calculator will give you monthly savings, annual savings, and it will even show you how much you will save after 2 years, 3 years, and so on.
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(A) 25 Miles
(B) 25 Miles
(A) Monthly
(B) Monthly
(A) Annual
(B) Annual
It's pretty amazing how the savings start to add up after only a few years!